🤳🏻 Share Your Thoughts And WIN SGD10 NTUC Vouchers 🤩
To usher in 2025, we want to start the year right by giving away SGD10 NTUC vouchers to Dashers 🥳
To qualify, here’s what you have to do:
1️⃣ Complete this survey to tell us what perks and events you would like to see in 2025.
That’s all to it! Good luck 🍀
By participating in this giveaway contest, you agree to all Terms and Conditions:
- Contest period is from 13 January 2025 to 12 February 2025.
- This is open to all Dash Living Singapore residents.
- The feedback form must be completed to qualify.
- All incomplete forms will be deemed as invalid.
- Winners will be contacted directly by Dash Living Singapore on 17 February 2025, and will be notified through WhatsApp with instructions to claim the prize.
- Selection of winners is at the full discretion of Dash Living Singapore.
- Dash Living will make reasonable efforts to contact the winners. If the winners cannot be contacted or is not available, Dash Living reserves the right to withhold the prize.
- All records related to this event (including but not limited to the date and time of photo upload, tracking time, etc.) are based on Dash Living’s computer records and are determined by Dash Living. Participants cannot object to the event and Dash Living’s adjudication decision. In case of any dispute, the decision made by Dash Living is final and irrevocable.
- Dash Living is not responsible for any delay, loss, error, or unrecognisable situation of the information submitted by the participants due to any computer, network, communication, or other technical problems or matters not attributable to Dash Living.
- Dash Living is not responsible for the inability to participate in this giveaway due to individual computer or mobile data equipment hardware or software.
- If you have any inquiries, please email marketing.sg@dash.co
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