🎃 Dash Living Spooktacular Halloween Costume Contest 👻
🎃👻 Boo! Are you ready for some Halloween fun? Dash Living’s Spooktacular Halloween Costume Contest is here! All our tenants, whether you’re with us for a short stay* (between October 26th and 31st) or a long stay, are invited to join the excitement!
Here’s how you can participate:
1️⃣ Dress up in your spookiest, most creative Halloween costume!
2️⃣ Take a photo within any Dash Living property, and publish the photo as an Instagram post. (Make sure your post is public so we can see it!)
3️⃣ Use the hashtag #DashLivingHalloween, and tag us @dashliving.
October 26-31: Contest Period
November 9: Winner Announcement
The winner will get two FREE Disney tickets*! 🎟️🐭
👻 Criteria for Judging:
- Creativity of the costume (40%)
- Relevance to the Halloween theme (30%)
- Visual appeal and presentation (30%)
So, get ready to unleash your Halloween best. We can’t wait to see all your hauntingly creative costumes! 🎃👻💀
*The ticket’s effective date and time will be determined by Dash Living.
Terms and Conditions:
- The Halloween Costume Contest (“Event”) is organized by Dash Living.
- The event runs from 18:00:00 on October 26, 2023 (GMT+8) to 23:59:59 on October 31, 2023 (GMT+8).
- Participants must complete the following procedures within the promotion period:
– Dress up in your spookiest, most creative Halloween costume!
– Take a photo within any Dash Living property, and publish the photo as an Instagram post. (Make sure your story is public so we can see it!)
– Use the hashtag #DashLivingHalloween, and tag us @dashliving. - Only long-stay and short-stay tenants of Dash Living who are staying from 26-31 October are eligible to participate in this event.
- Each Instagram account can participate unlimited times during the promotion period, but each Instagram account can only win once.
- Dash Living will select one winner based on the creativity of the costume (40%), Relevance to the Halloween theme (30%) and Visual appeal and presentation (30%). The winner will receive two free Hong Kong Disneyland tickets, while the ticket’s effective date and time will be determined by Dash Living. However, any plagiarised or copied content, foul language, indecent, pornographic violence or malicious criticism in the information provided will result in disqualification without prior notice. The company will not be held responsible for any such disqualification.
- The winners will be announced on the Dash Living Instagram account on November 9th, 2023 (Thursday), and individual winners will be notified via Instagram DM. Winners must provide their Instagram account name, email and English or Chinese name by November 17th. Dash Living will also send the official prize notification and redemption details to the winner’s email address.
- The issue date of the Disney tickets will be determined by Dash Living.
- If the winner is under 18 years old, he or she must redeem the prize with a guardian present.
- All prizes of the event cannot be exchanged for cash, returned, replaced, or any adjustments, cannot be transferred or resold to others, and the collected prizes cannot be requested for return or exchange.
- The information provided by the participants is only for this event. The collected personal data will be processed by the company’s privacy policy.
- Participants understand and agree that the company has the right to modify, report, use, and publish the content of this event (including the winner’s name, event highlights, photos, videos, and other related information) without prior consent from the participants or payment of any amount or compensation to the participants. The copyright of the related photos is owned by the company.
- All records related to this event (including but not limited to the date and time of photo upload, tracking time, etc.) are based on the company’s computer records and are determined by the company. Participants cannot object to the event and the company’s adjudication decision. In case of any dispute, the decision made by the company is final and irrevocable.
- The company is not responsible for any delay, loss, error, or unrecognizable situation of the information submitted by the participants due to any computer, network, communication, or other technical problems or matters not attributable to the company.
- The company is not responsible for the inability to participate in this event due to individual computer or mobile data equipment hardware or software.
- If it is found that participants participate in this event with empty numbers, fake accounts, providing false information, or invade and/or modify computer programs in any way or any dishonest methods, the company has the right to cancel their participation and/or winning eligibility without further notice. The participant bears all related responsibilities and consequences.
- All employees of the company and their family members are not allowed to participate to ensure fairness.
- These terms and conditions are based on and interpreted by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
- Dash Living Hong Kong Limited reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. Revised versions of these terms and conditions will appear on this Instagram post and will be effective immediately. Your continued participation in the event after any changes signifies your consent to or acceptance of such changes. You are invited to review any changes regularly.
- If you have any inquiries, please email marketing@dash.co.
🎃👻準備好迎接萬聖節嗎? Dash Living的萬聖節服裝比賽來了!無論是長期住客或是10月25日至31日期間的短期住客,我們都誠邀你參與這個活動!
1️⃣ 穿上你最詭異、最有創意的萬聖節服裝!
2️⃣ 在任何與 Dash Living 有關的地方拍照,並將照片發佈為 Instagram 貼文。 (確保你的帳號是公開的,以便我們可以看到!)
3️⃣ 使用主題標籤#DashLivingHalloween,並標記我們@dashliving。
10 月 26 日至 31 日:比賽時間【參加者上載相片到Instagram】
11 月 9 日:得獎者公佈
獲勝者將獲得兩張免費迪士尼門票*! 🎟️🐭
👻 評審標準:
與萬聖節主題的相關性 (30%)
所以,準備好展示你的萬聖節最佳造型。我們已經迫不及待想看到你們的創意服裝了! 🎃👻💀
*門票的生效日期和時間將由Dash Living決定。
- 萬聖節服裝比賽(「活動」)是由Dash Living主辦。
- 活動日期由2023年10月26日18:00:00(GMT+8)至2023年10月31日晚上23:59:59(GMT+8)結束。
- 參加者須於推廣期內完成以下程序:
- 穿上你最詭異、最有創意的萬聖節服裝!
- 在任何 Dash Living 房產內拍照,並將照片發佈為 Instagram 貼文。 (確保您的故事是公開的,以便我們可以看到!)
- 使用主題標籤#DashLivingHalloween,並標記我們@dashliving。
- 只有在 10 月 26 日至 31 日入住的 Dash Living 長住和短住租戶才有資格參加此活動。
- 活動期間,每個Instagram帳戶可以無限參與,但每個Instagram帳戶只能獲獎一次。
- Dash Living 將根據服裝的創意(40%)、與萬聖節主題的相關性(30%)以及視覺審美與呈現方法(30%)選出一名獲獎者。得獎者將獲得兩張免費的香港迪士尼樂園門票,門票的生效日期和時間將由Dash Living決定。但所提供資訊中如有抄襲或複製內容、粗言穢語、不雅、色情暴力或惡意批評的行為,將導致取消參賽資格,恕不另行通知。本公司對任何此類取消資格不承擔任何責任。
- 得獎者名單將於 2023 年 11 月 9 日(星期四)在 Dash Living Instagram 帳戶上公佈,個人獲獎者將透過 Instagram DM 收到通知。獲獎者必須在11月17前提供其 Instagram 帳戶名稱、電子郵件以及英文或中文姓名。 Dash Living 也會向獲獎者的電子郵件地址發送官方獎品通知和兌換詳細資訊。
- 迪士尼門票的有效日期將由 Dash Living 決定。
- 若得獎者未滿18歲,則必須在監護人陪同下下兌換獎品。
- 活動所有獎品不可兌換現金、退貨、換貨或任何調整,不可轉讓或轉售給他人,且已領取的獎品不可要求退貨或換貨。
- 若得獎者提供之個人資料有任何錯漏或不實,導致本公司未能聯絡得獎者或核對其身份,其得獎資格將被取消,其他參加者亦不能作替補。
- 參加者一旦參加是次活動,即被視作已細閱及明白有關條款及細則,並同意受其約束。本公司保留權利更改活動資料、參加方法及規則和本條款及細則,而毋須作另行通知。如有任何爭議,本公司有最終決定權。
- 活動所有獎品均不獲兌換成現金、退換、更換或任何調整事項,不得轉換或轉售他人,而已領取之獎品亦不可要求退換。
- 參加者所提供的資料只供是次活動之用。收集所得的個人資料會根據本公司私隱政策處理。
- 參加者明白及同意本公司有權修改、報導、使用及刊登是次活動的內容(包括得獎者的姓名、活動花絮、相片、影片及其他有關資料),而無須事先徵得參加者同意或向參加者支付任何款項或彌償。有關相片或影片版權由本公司擁有。
- 所有與本活動有關之參加紀錄(包括但不限於相片上載日期及時間、追蹤時間等) 均以本公司的電腦紀錄為準及由本公司作最後決定。參加者對活動及本公司的評審決定均不得有任何異議。如有任何爭議,本公司所作的決定為最終及不可推翻。
- 因任何因電腦、網絡、通訊等技術問題或不可歸責於本公司之事由,而引致參加者所遞交的資料有任何延遲、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,本公司概不負上任何責任。
- 如因個別電腦或流動數據儀器之硬件或軟件,引致未能參與是次活動,本公司恕不負上任何責任。
- 如發現參加者以空號、虛假帳號、提供虛假,或以任何方式入侵及/或以修改電腦程式的方式或任何不誠實手法進行或參加此活動,本公司有權取消其參加及/或得獎資格而不作另行通知,並由該參加者承擔一切相關責任及後果。
- 所有本公司員工及其家屬均不得參加,以示公允。
- Dash Living Hong Kong Limited,保留隨時更改這些條款和條件下的條款的權利,恕不另行通知。這些條款和條件的修訂版本,應出現在此頁面中,並將立即生效。在任何此改後,仍然繼續參與活動,即表示你同意或接受此類更改。我們邀請你定期查看任何更改。
- 本條款及細則以香港特別行政區法例作依據和詮釋。如中英文版本有任何歧義,則以中文版作準。
- 如有任何查詢,請電郵marketing@dash.co。